Jumping in the Trenches: Why Business Owners Should Engage in Daily Operations

As a business owner, the demands of scaling a company often draw me away from the nitty-gritty of daily operations. While this distance allows for strategic planning and high-level decision-making, I’ve found that it’s crucial to occasionally immerse myself back into the daily activities. This hands-on approach provides invaluable insights, fosters improvements, and strengthens my connection with my team.

Recently, I decided to personally take on property showings at Boardwalk Developments, a task usually managed by my agents. This wasn't about micromanaging but about understanding the current challenges my team faces. Being on the ground helps identify small yet impactful details. For instance, our property showing protocols were outdated. By handling showings myself, I experienced firsthand how cumbersome certain procedures were. Previously, agents had to call ahead for access, adding extra steps to the process.

From an admin perspective, unnotified visits could cause frustration, potentially leading to reluctance in supporting future appointments. Agents, meanwhile, felt burdened by the cumbersome process and the fear of inconvenience if something went awry. To streamline this, I've introduced a system where properties are open during business hours, allowing agents to show them freely without prior scheduling. This flexibility is crucial, especially when clients change their minds or schedules unexpectedly. Now, with doors open from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, agents can focus on their clients rather than logistics.

Some argue for stricter appointment systems, but the reality of real estate is unpredictability. Rigid schedules don't accommodate the dynamic nature of client interactions. Many agents, working independently, face challenges in coordinating appointments amidst traffic and other delays. By stepping back into the field, I recognized the need for a more welcoming and accessible approach. Simplifying the process encourages agents to show properties without hassle or fear of reprimand for tardiness.

We've implemented an automated code system active during business hours, allowing agents the privacy they prefer when showing properties. These changes have significantly improved the ease of showings, resulting in higher agent satisfaction and increased sales.

In conclusion, while it’s important to focus on strategic planning and high-level management, never underestimate the value of engaging in the daily operations of your business. By doing so, you can gain crucial insights, improve processes, and strengthen your team. True leadership often means working shoulder to shoulder with your team members, ensuring that every aspect of your business operates smoothly and efficiently.  


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